Hey, at least she's happy! (And not being burnt to death by fucking Catholics... Although, I have my doubts that very few actual chemists ["witches"] were burnt at the stake in those days, because they were smart enough to stay away from those dimwits and hide out in bogs and dense forests.)
I digress.
I am imagining a more modern interpretation right next to this, of the same person in a lab coat, looking at the same sticky globule under a microscope, with the same grin on her face. Cloned sheep in the background or something, lol.
P.S: I don't see the point of "contests;" if something makes sense to me and looks fun, then fuck it. I'm going to do it to learn something, judges be damned (it sounds like you have too many of those in your life.) I think that this site is a much better way to spread the word than contests, because instead of people judging you, you have fruitcakes like these VVVVVVVVV gushing about how great your art is. :D